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Payment Options

We want you to be able to shop with us through your preferred method of payment. That's why we offer such a great range of options to pay by!

You can pay with your credit or debit card, by using PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay or through Klarna interest-free finance. Read on to find out more.

Pay with credit or debit card

This is our customers' favourite way to pay. We accept a wide range of cards to suit everyone: Visa Debit, Visa Credit, Visa Electron, Mastercard and Maestro.

Our checkout process is secured by an SSL certificate. This ensures that your data is encrypted and kept safe.

We process all of our payments using the leading secure server provider, Braintree. This means that we never store your card details - giving you the peace of mind you need.

Pay with PayPal

PayPal is a fast, simple and secure way to pay online.

When you pay via PayPal in our checkout, simply login using your email and password, or you can use your mobile number and PIN if you have this set up.

You can choose to pay by either a pre-saved card or you can use the available funds in your account. All you need to do then is select your preferred delivery address.

With PayPal, there's no need to painstakingly re-enter your card and delivery details every time you shop. It couldn't be easier!

Pay with Google Pay

If you have Google Pay enabled on your device, Chrome will automatically fill in your details to make your checkout journey faster and easier. All you need to do when you check out is select ‘Google Pay’ and the rest is easy! Google Pay will fill in the details you saved to your Google account and you can proceed with your payment.

Pay with Apple Pay

Like with Google Pay, we offer Apple Pay on Apple-compatible devices, too! Simply select the ‘Apple Pay’ option at checkout to fill in your payment details. This will fill in the details you saved to your Apple device. Simply follow the instructions that appear on your screen to complete your purchase.

Pay with Klarna - interest-free finance

Life can be tough. Buying your new mattress shouldn't be! So if you need your new mattress now - but want to spread the cost - choose Klarna.

Paying with Klarna is simple. Plus, there's no fees and no interest. For more information on how to pay with Klarna, read our Klarna FAQs.

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