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Sleep News

Staff Training Helps Our Customers Sleep Better!

Published 11 Sep 2017·Last Updated 07 Oct 2024·3 min read
A picture of Bradley Maw

Written by Bradley Maw

All of our staff here at Mattress Online complete the National Bed Federation’s Introduction to Beds course when they join us. But why? What do we learn? And how does it help our customers? Read on to find all the answers!

Who are the National Bed Federation?

The National Bed Federation is a recognised trade association who represent bed manufacturers and their suppliers. The National Bed Federation’s main objectives are to:

  • be the voice of the UK bed industry
  • promote the importance of sleep
The Introduction to Beds course helps us become sleep experts

What is the Introduction to Beds course?

The Introduction to Beds course is an interactive training program that helps develop every staff member’s knowledge of mattresses and beds. The course then tests what we have learnt through a series of multiple choice questions. A score of 80% is the minimum required to pass the course and earn certified status.

What do we learn from the course?

The Introduction to Beds training helps us take the first step to becoming sleep experts. This course teaches us:

  • who the NBF are and their codes of practice
  • the different types of mattresses and how they work
  • who the major brands are
  • important regulations and legislation
The Introduction to Beds course teaches us about different mattress fillings and how they work

How our training helps our customers

Everyone here at Mattress Online has completed the Introduction to Beds course. Because of this, we are able to provide expert advice to help you choose the perfect mattress. Read on to find out how.

  • A fantastic shopping experience

Our super customer service team have the knowledge to help with any questions you may have. Not sure which mattress to choose? Give us a call! We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service for all of our customers. With the help of the Introduction to Beds training, we are now rated 9.4/10 on Trustpilot for our service.

  • Product information you can trust

We use our expert knowledge of mattresses and beds to write product information that helps you decide whether a certain mattress is right for you.

  • Expert advice and support

Always had a burning question about sleep, beds or mattresses? The chances are, we’ve answered it! We’ve tested our knowledge and covered a host of mattress and sleep topics on our advice pages and blog. Check them out to get a better night’s sleep.

What did I learn from the course?

When I first joined I didn’t know anything about beds and I was wondering how we could possibly stock so many mattresses. “Surely they’re all the same?” was one of my first thoughts! However, the Introduction to Beds course taught me that I couldn’t be more wrong.

I am now able to highlight the differences between mattresses and the benefits they provide. The course has also enabled me to write product advice and blog articles that help you choose the right mattress and become a sleep expert like me.

What our staff think of the Introduction to Beds course

I learnt so much from the Introduction to Beds course - I’ve started teaching my husband and kids!

The Introduction to Beds course has helped me provide quick and correct answers to our customer's questions.

Without the Introduction to Beds course, I’d still be wondering what a damask cover is!

At Mattress Online, we care about developing the knowledge of every member of staff. Courses such as the National Bed Federation’s Introduction to Beds enable our staff to provide expert advice - helping you get the very best night’s sleep.

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