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Abi Hayward

Abi Hayward

Completing her education during the height of the pandemic, Abi achieved top marks in sociology, English literature and history. Abi uses the key insights into human behaviour and culture that these qualifications provide not only to create excellent user-focused content but also to analyse customer behaviour and user intent as part of the content marketing team.

An avid reader, Abi decided to embark on the other side of the content and begin her writing journey. She initially joined the team as a skilled product copywriter, but has used her three years of experience in the digital team to master SEO content writing, technical SEO, digital PR and outreach. A true all rounder, Abi is now the lead SEO content writer, managing the creation of blogs, articles and guest posts. Using her knowledge of XML and HTML, as well as nimbly navigating SEO tools such as SEM Rush, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs and SE Ranking, Abi keeps a watchful eye over the SEO and UX of the website.

Keeping customers ‘sleep healthy’ and well informed is the driving force behind her content.

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