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Movie Nightmares Infographic

An image of Danielle Mowbray
14 Jul 20175 min read

Do you remember those nights when you were younger, utterly terrified by what’s on screen but unable to turn away? And then afterwards, having to get into bed, alone and wary of whatever might be lurking in the gloom. Here are our top movie nightmares, films that still creep into our consciousness years later, and more than any others, have stopped us from falling asleep.

Movie nightmares - films that have been scaring audiences for generations. The Exorcist: The scariest character - Pazuzu The demonic possession of a young girl made for cinematic tour de force kept audiences awake for days and een led to claims that a genuine demon lied within the celluloid reels. Year: 19773 What keeps you awake: The brutal transformation of Regan MacNeil Quioe: 'What an excellent day for an exorcism". The Demon. Goose pimple factor: 5/5 stars Shock factor: 5/5 stars Sleepless factor - 5/5 The Shining The scariest character: The twins The Shining is a visual masterpiece offering just as much horror on the screen as it provokes in the imagination. Once seen, never forgotten. Year: 1980 What keeps you awake: The twins, the river of blood, Jack's descent into madness... we could go on. Quote: 'All work amd no play makes Jack a dull boy.' Jack Torrance. Goose pimple factor: 4/5 stars Shock factor: 5/5 stars Sleepless factor: 4/5 stars The Omen The scariest character: The scion of the devil himself, Damien. A film about the coming of the antichrist is one thing, but The Omen felt so uncomfortably real it retains its ability to stun watchers decades later. Year: 1976 What keeps you awake: Damien being the creepiest kid outside of Seasame Street. Quote: 'Have no fear, little one... I am here to protect thee." Mrs Baylock Goose pimple factor: 5/5 stars Shock factor: 5/5 stars Sleepless factor: 2/5 stars Halloween: The scariest character: Obviously Michael and his souless black eyes. Leaving so much to the imagination has never been done with as much aplomb as in Halloween.Tat and the jump-out-of-you-skin factor have gone on to influence almost every horror film since. Year: 1978 What keeps you awake: Remembering that Michael cannot be killed. Quote: 'It's Halloween; everyone's entitles to one good scare.' Leigh Brackett. Goose pimple factor: 3/5 stars Shock factor: 4/5 stars Sleepless factor: 5/5 stars. Psycho: The scariest character: Norman's 'Mum' Psycho broke so many boundaries in the film world it deserves every accolade out there - it was also supremely terrifying and the ending's twist added a whole new layer, just when you thought the horror was at an end. Year: 1960 What keeps you awake: The Shower Scence. 'Nuff said. Quote: I think I must have one of those faces you can't help believing' Norman Bates. Nightmare on Elm Street The scariest character: Freddie, of course The film that gave us Freddie's slasher hands and Robert Englund a job for life. Year: 1984 What keeps you awake: The fear of Freddie getting you in your sleep. Quote: 'Whatever you do... DON'T... FALL... ASLEEP...' The Blar Witch Project The scariest character: The titular but unseen witch. The low-budget classic, The Blair Witch Project crept into one's conciousness gradually and then refused to leave. Year: 1999 What keeps you awake: When the meaning of the ending hits you at 4am the morning after. Quote: 'I'm afraid to close my eyes, I'm afraid to open them.' Heather Donahue.

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