We think it's important to give back to our customers because, without you, Mattress Online wouldn't be where it is today. Below, we'll answer all your discount code and voucher related queries.
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We do offer ongoing discounts for NHS and emergency service workers with a valid email address. Emergency service workers can claim 10% off of all orders here at Mattress Online with their voucher code.
For more information on how to claim your discount code and how to use it, our NHS and Blue Light Card page can tell you more.
If you're not sure how to use your Mattress Online discount code, follow the steps below:
Please note: Your voucher code will only be valid if it applies to your entire order.
Please read through the following points to see if they apply to you:
If you've followed the steps above and are still having trouble, please contact our team who will be happy to help resolve any issues.
We do not currently have any voucher codes on offer, other than our ongoing NHS code.
When we offer discount codes, you can find them displayed on our homepage or product pages.
Alternatively, you may receive mattress discount codes straight to your inbox by signing up for our newsletters, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
We also promote any running voucher codes on our social media:
Yes, you can use your discount code more than once. However, if we feel that any customer is abusing a voucher code, we reserve the right to refuse the discount on additional orders.
No, you cannot add more than one discount code to your purchase.
Yes, you can use your voucher code on the products already in a sale.
You can use your discount code on any products that apply to your particular voucher. Depending on the discount code you have, this may only apply to specific brands or products.
However, ongoing discounts, such as the NHS voucher, can be applied to any product on our site.
Wherever you saw the discount code, whether that be in an email, on our homepage or social media, will display the amount or percentage on the discount code.
All discount codes, apart from the NHS voucher, have an expiry date. You can find out when your code expires on the homepage countdown banner.
Now you know more about how Mattress Online discount codes work, why not check out our fantastic ranges of mattresses, beds and bedding?
If you still have any questions about our voucher codes, our helpful team is more than happy to help - simply get in touch.
Mon-Sat: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Mon-Sat: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday: Closed